The team at Petrus’ PIER allotment deliver regular social and therapeutic taster sessions, providing a glimpse into the green social prescribing activities they deliver which promote social interaction and have therapeutic benefits.
The taster sessions showcase some of the activities the team deliver that improve mental and physical wellbeing such as art therapy, gardening, or group activities such as tree identification walks.
The taster sessions are most commonly attended by participants who have been encouraged to attend therapeutic activities who want to try them out before committing to a full program, however, sessions are also attended by professionals seeking to better understand the service available, enhancing their ability to refer onto the programme.
Taster sessions are also used as a way to model PIER’s ethos of co-production and person-centric approach. Individuals are empowered to provide feedback on what they like and do not like, and future sessions modelled around this.
The taster sessions have been well-received, as highlighted below:
It was great to get a flavour (and of all senses) as to what can be experienced through nature/gardening project. Please could you send us the info/dates for the 12-week project when this is fixed.
Thank you for the enjoyable and educational experience at PIER. It will certainly be something we will try to promote with the people we work with. Looking forward to hopefully working together.
If you’d like to find out about the next taster session, please contact PIER’s Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Practitioner, Jo: