Who administers Green Social Prescribing?

Green social prescribing is the practice of supporting people in engaging in nature-based interventions and activities to improve their physical and mental health.

Nature -based activities can be prescribed by a number of people including GPs, community mental health teams, social care teams, supported accommodation providers and other mental health support workers. Prescribers depend on where you live.

Green prescriptions may be offered to people with diagnosed mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and severe and enduring mental health conditions or people dealing with emotional and mental health needs, for example loneliness, worry and low mood. They also may be prescribed to people with physical health needs.

How can I start receiving Green Social Prescriptions?

To receive Green Social Prescriptions referrals through the health and social care system you will need to contact the prescribers directly and demonstrate your suitability to manage people with a range of specialist needs.

The requirement will vary depending on your location but may include things like mental health qualifications, suitable space, advanced safeguarding policy, staff to volunteer ratios and ability to monitor and communicate changes in mental or physical state.

To start receiving referrals please speak to your local:

  • NHS services
  • GPs
  • Third sector health services
  • Job Centres
  • Nature-based groups

Is there anything else I can do to help?

This website is designed to help community groups to support what is known as a Green Social Prescribing self-referral.

Self-referrals are made by the person themselves, often as an alternative to taking a medical route or instead of reaching out to their GP.

Community groups delivering nature and craft based activities are well placed to provide this support and the resources on this website have been developed as a way to increase your confidence to do so.  

By accepting and promoting self-referrals to your activities you’ll be directly supporting people to improve their health and wellbeing, as well as alleviating pressure on GPs and the health care system.