The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) are currently running two projects in Greater Manchester which improve habitats and support people’s wellbeing; one is in Sale and one is in Clayton. The TCV team want as many people from as many different backgrounds as possible to access these projects and benefit from all that nature has to offer. …Read More »
Petrus showcases the power of Green Social Prescribing at RHS Tatton Park Flower Show
Every year since 2019, Petrus, have produced a show garden for RHS Tatton Park Flower Show to showcase the work of their incredible community allotment, PIER. Through the show gardens they also challenge misconceptions about people who have experienced homelessness, isolation, mental health issues and other complex social needs. Together with service users and volunteers, they create…Read More »
NOW RECRUITING: Allotment Maintenance Volunteer
Manchester Mind is currently recruiting an Allotment Maintenance Volunteer to work alongside their Allotment Support Worker and existing Volunteer Team supporting them to maintain and develop plots and develop new projects. They are looking for a person who can oversee the fixing/maintaining of greenhouses, sheds, archways, raised beds, cold frame, etc and who can help…Read More »
Nature for Health grows roots across Greater Manchester
From community garden projects and local walking groups, to neighbourhood networks transforming alleyways and food growing schemes – community-led initiatives are increasing access to nature and enriching green spaces across Greater Manchester. Nature for Health, Greater Manchester’s green social prescribing partnership, brings together communities and organisations who are leading nature-based initiatives, to ensure those most in need (in…Read More »
Group gardening sessions at RHS Bridgewater
The RHS Garden Bridgewater in Salford is an accessible 154 acre site which has community wellbeing at its core and is uniquely placed to support the residents of Salford, and beyond, who wish to improve their physical, mental and social health through gardening. Their sessions focus on all year round gardening activities from planting, tending…Read More »
The latest from Petrus Incredible Edible Rochdale
Petrus Incredible Edible Rochdale (PIER) is is a community allotment on Belfield Road in Rochdale. Here’s a few highlights from the past few months: Tree Management Training An amazing day was had at PIER in November 2023 when we welcomed ‘NorthernLily’ who taught us about tree management; including how to look out for the 3D’s…Read More »
Gardening for Wellbeing sessions at RHS Garden Bridgewater
Lee’s Story Lee started on the Gardening for Wellbeing sessions at RHS Bridgewater following a referral through social prescribing from his local Community Connector back in July 2023. Lee had been referred once before in the previous year but his battle with anxiety and depression at that time were too debilitating for him to complete…Read More »
Volunteer Opportunities with Manchester Mind
Volunteering at Manchester Mind can be a really rewarding and worthwhile experience and it can bring many benefits too – whether that’s learning new skills or rediscovering old skills and passing on skills, building confidence, meeting new people, being valued. All things that contribute to positive mental health. Manchester Mind are currently looking for an…Read More »
Nature for Health programme hosts visitors from Kyoto, Japan
Through the Nature for Health Network, as well as the EU funded Green Health Horizon project, partners from Kyoto, Japan visited Greater Manchester to discover how we are using nature-based interventions to address health inequalities. The neurology research team from Japan has been developing a Green Farm Rehabilitation programme at a hospital in Kyoto, Japan….Read More »
North West Regional Conference – Nature Recovery on NHS Estates
The Nature Recovery on NHS Estates, North West Regional Conference aims to bring together estates’ colleagues from across the three ICS areas of the North West region (Greater Manchester, Cheshire & Merseyside, and Lancashire & South Cumbria – North Cumbria will be included for this conference) with Natural England colleagues to strengthen appetite and knowledge…Read More »