The RHS Garden Bridgewater in Salford is an accessible 154 acre site which has community wellbeing at its core and is uniquely placed to support the residents of Salford, and beyond, who wish to improve their physical, mental and social health through gardening.
Their sessions focus on all year round gardening activities from planting, tending to plants and maintaining growing areas in our Wellbeing garden and the Spinney (our woodland workshop garden). Their activities may also include relaxation in nature including mindful walking and forest bathing and
nature based arts crafts.
2-hour sessions are available for community groups and organisations from Salford and Greater Manchester. Each group may book up to 6 sessions per year (sessions booked between Nov Feb are not included in this and can be booked as additional sessions) with a recommended maximum group size of 12 15 per session. Sessions are on a Tuesday or Thursday morning 10 -12 pm or in the afternoon 1 30 3 30 pm on either day, all subject to availability.
Please contact for more information and to register as a wellbeing group.