The Impact of Green Social Prescribing in Greater Manchester

Throughout 2021 and 2022 Greater Manchester was 1 of 7 test and learn sites in England working with the NHS to measure the effectiveness of Green Social Prescribing (GSP).

In total Greater Manchester partners delivered activities for over 8,000 referrals, often reaching populations underserved by social prescribing with 85% of patients offered GSP signed up.

Delivery partners included Sow the City, Petrus, Salford CVS and Lancashire Wildlife Trust, who were supported by City of Trees, RHS and Groundwork Greater Manchester. Well done to all those involved with #GMNatureforHealth!
You can read more about the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership here:
And click here to explore the results of the national programme, via the National Academy for Social Prescribing.
For more about Green Social Prescribing, head over to the National Health Service England YouTube channel to see a suite of films about the programme, from Greater Manchester and beyond.