Green Social Prescribing can include supporting people with challenges and concerns which you may not have encountered in the past. Participants may share stories or situations which are upsetting or leave you wanting to offer additional help.
We’ve created this document to inform you who else is on hand to help you manage these situations.
Your role in Green Social Prescribing
Your role is to continue to deliver fantastic activities in the natural environment, making small adjustments which ensure the environment supports people with additional mental or physical health needs.
By providing a safe and welcoming space, by being non-judgemental and compassionate and by providing an opportunity to connect with nature, you are part of a movement which recognises the power of nature as a healer.
Being involved in Green Social Prescribing however, does not make you a doctor or councillor. Please don’t attempt to offer advice and guidance in areas beyond your expertise, instead be aware of, and signpost to the number of supportive organisations in the sector.
Additional support for participants
- Manchester Mind have a fantastic A-Z directory detailing a selection of mental health contacts who you can signpost to. Make sure you print this guide off and leave it somewhere accessible (for example on your refreshments table) so you can easily refer to it in discussion.
- If you think a participant needs professional support, you should always suggest that they arrange a visit to see their GP. General Practitioners treat all common medical conditions, physical and mental, and know the best places to refer patients.
- You may also be able to gain support from a Community Link Worker. These are people within the community, normally employed by a local charity, housing association or local authority, who work on a 1-2-1 basis with people with multiple challenges, referring them to appropriate services. Link workers operate differently in each borough.