The purpose of these brand guidelines is to provide guidance on using the Greater Manchester Nature for Health network logo and the associated communication channels.
Who can use the Nature for Health logo?
The logo can be used by anyone delivering Nature for Health activity within Greater Manchester.
Communication Aims
- Strengthen and support all green and blue activities
- Encourage and improve take up in self-referrals
- Support GP’s, Link workers with referral pathways with knowledge
How to use the Logo
To access the logo simply download below:
When using the logo, please ensure:
- It is only used on a white background
- Please ensure there is an appropriate exclusion zone when adding the logo, this zone should be the width of the leaf on the logo, as demonstrated to the below.
- Keep this zone free of any imagery, text, or other element such as page edges.
- Please ensure logo is big enough to read ‘Nature for Health’
- When scaling the logo up and down make sure the proportions stay the same to avoid warping. Exclusion zone is equal to width of the leaf:

Referring to Nature for Health
Greater Manchester Nature for Health can be shortened to ‘GM NFH’ in written text, if previously referred to by its full title.
If you have any questions on how to use the NFH logo, please contact