Green Social Prescribing often involves a doctor or community support worker formally prescribing a nature-based activity to someone who they feel would positively benefit, either mentally or physically.
Doctors and Community Support Workers will only formally prescribe people to community groups if they have confidence in their ability to support the person’s needs. These requirements will differ across the Greater Manchester boroughs.
A person who recognises the benefit that nature will bring to their health and wellbeing may also sign themselves up without being formally prescribed by a professional. Supporting their health needs is just as important as they prevent health deteriorating to a point where medical support is needed.
Here is some help and guidance which we would expect groups to follow before encouraging participation from those who may have additional health needs.
Group set-up & structure
- Is a constituted group
- Has a bank account
- Has governance documents
- Has public liability insurance
- Has undertaken risk assessments
- Has a data protection policy
- Has a safeguarding policy, which is being implemented
Skills & qualifications
- Can evidence suitable skills & qualifications for their activity
- First aid
- Mental Health First Aider or has undertaken Mental Health Awareness training (available through Manchester Mind)